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Kallid skaudi-gaidi sõbrad,

Eesti Skautide Maleva USAs ja Eesti Gaidide  Maleva USAs pered  kogunevad taas Järvemetsal “Koidukuma” laagrisse 7. – 15. augustil.

Teadagi saab selle aasta suvelaager olema omanäoline kehtivate tervishoiunõuete tõttu.


Teeme oma osa, et aidata hoida meie lähedasi ja iseendid tervetena.

Kui teil on suur soov külastada laagrit, palun jälgige laagri tervishoiu reegleid. 


The Estonian Scout-Guide  Summer Camp at Järvemetsa is in session from August 7 -15.

We are taking every precaution to keep our campers, volunteers, and the community healthy during these tricky times.

Please note all visitors are subject to the strictly enforced health / safety regulations.

Külalised (Guests) are permitted to attend Metsakirik and Suurlõke per the following rules / regulations:

Arrival for Metsakirik, the Open Air Church Service: Wed., Aug. 11 at 7:30pm. and the guests will be asked to leave at the conclusion of Metsakirik.

- Arrival for Suurlõke (Camporee Bonfire) on Thurday, Aug. 14th, 19:30. Külalised will be directed to where suurlõke is being held and then similarly asked to leave at the conclusion of the event.

Külalised (Guests) will only be  permitted in the designated event areas. Visitation of  of the all-laagrid (sub-camps) is not permitted.

Per NJ Department of Health Requirements, all visitors, REGARDLESS OF VACCINATION STATUS, will need to wear a mask while visiting laager for the duration of their visit.

Please note, their will be no overnight visitor camping permitted this year.
Please stay safe and make good decisions!


"Vaba Eesti Sõna" PDF-i täisversioon on tasuline. Kasutajakonto saamiseks tuleb täita tellimus. Maksmise ja tellimise info vaata sisukorrast Lehe tellimine. Tasuda saate krediitkaardiga PayPal'i kaudu siit.

Full PDF version of the paper costs $60 per year. To open your account, please click for more info Lehe tellimine. You can pay directly through PayPal. This is the safer, easier way to pay online.

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