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The United States should continue to pursue efforts consistent with the comprehensive, multi-lateral Baltic Defense Assessment of the military requirements of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania issued in December 2020.


Tiina ja Agu at Kotkajärve, Canada.


Culmination of life’s work for this intrepid couple is investing in the future of the Estonian community.

If you ask Tiina and Agu Ets what their life’s work has been, the answer is simple: to cherish and support the Estonian community.

Agu and Tiina have furthered their strong commitment by becoming Viru Vanem donors to the KESKUS International Estonian Centre, currently in development in downtown Toronto.


Kerry, Rich and Alyssa Lepik pose in front of a table displaying honey samples entered into a contest at the Morris and Somerset County Beekeepers Christmas luncheon on Dec. 5th.


Purple orchid blossoms adorned entrées of salmon with mustard sauce at Café Venizia in Martinsville, NJ, where twenty beekeepers enjoyed an incredibly delectable and aesthetic Christmas luncheon. In attendance were Rich, Kerry and Alyssa Lepik and Mare and Richard Olsen.

According to Rich, his bees have produced a generous amount of honey, but autumn has offered challenges.

Indrek Lepson


When I was in Hawaii in September 1977, I met D'arcy Whiting, a sail maker from New Zealand, at the Waikiki Yacht Club.


We got on well, shared many beers and stories, and he said that if I ever got to New Zealand, to look him up.

President Karis Met With the UN Secretary-General

President Alar Karis met with Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres to discuss the Secretary-General’s report “Our Common Agenda” dedicated to the implementation of UN goals, climate change and the Estonian initiative called Data for the Environment Alliance (DEAL).



On June 13, 2021, Allison Helen Part and Christopher Andrew Tedeschi celebrated their wedding at the Silverbrook Farm in Hillsboro, VA.

Approximately 100 guests were in attendance. Allison is the daughter of Harry Part and his wife, Marilyn, and granddaughter of Leida and Karl Part.


Helgi and Kaia at Geislingen


Kaia Valge Fye is one of the people filmmaker Helga Merits had planned to interview in person last year for a documentary film about Seabrook Farms, but the coronavirus pandemic kept their plans at bay, with the filmmaker and her subject on different continents: Kaia in the United States, Helga in the Netherlands.


Albeit with challenges, work on the film continues.


“Christmas Around the World” at the Museum of Science and Industry ( highlights the rich customs of more than 50 countries and cultures. Estonia is among the trees featured and we thank Meta and her volunteers for decorating this year’s tree! The exhibit is open until January 3rd. Make plans to visit. Tree decorated by the Aavik-Dawson Family. Photo: Estonian House in Chicago


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