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Government Reaches Agreement on Energy Compensation Measures

On January 20 the Reform Party and the Center Party finally agreed on compensation measures for high energy prices.


The government is planning to compensate electricity prices exceeding €0.12 per kilowatt-hour.


A similar price cap is already implemented for gas, which is set at €65 per megawatt-hours (Mwh).


The state will compensate the consumer 100 percent for any prices exceeding that, up to 2.75 Mwh.


Tallinn is also switching off its winter lights earlier than usual to combat rising electricity prices. The more than 300 lights are usually on display until the end of February.



Estonian American Benevolent Association

In 2021, the American Estonian Benevolent Society (Ameerika Eesti Heatahtlik Selts) which has been active for 30 years was permanently closed due to the deaths of two of its most active directors.


The funds of the society, which were collected in the form of pure donations, were divided equally between two youth organizations in Estonia – the central organizations of guides and scouts in Estonia.


Both organizations received $ 38,468.



Government Allocating 380 Million Euros to National Defense

According to the agreement in principle made by the government, in the coming years Estonia will extraordinarily increase expenditures on extensive national defense in the amount of 380 million euros in order to be able to act faster and more effectively against both military and hybrid threats.



Estonian Actor in Netflix "Vikings: Valhalla" Trailer

Netflix has released a trailer for the new series "Vikings: Valhalla".Two Estonian actors play in the series.


The character of Arne Gormsson, played by Pääru Oja, participates in the first season and can also be seen in the trailer.


The character Grytha, played by Henessi Schmidt, will be seen in the second season.


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