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Support for Kaja Kallas as prime minister has fallen sharply since December and is likely due to the handling of the energy price crisis, a survey by newspaper Eesti Päevaleht shows.

Kallas' support is now below EKRE and Eesti 200, the results show.


Only 10 percent of respondents said they preferred to see her as the leader of the coalition, a drop of 6 percent compared to December.

Chairman of the Center Party Jüri Ratas was the most favored with 29 percent, the same as last month, and he was followed by EKRE's Martin Helme with 14 percent, an increase of 2 percentage points since December.

Eesti 200 Chairman Kristina Kallas was third on 12 percent, 3 percentage points higher than last month.

Only 3 percent of respondents would choose Isamaa's Helir-Valdor Seeder or SDE's outgoing leader Indrek Saar. 29 percent of respondents did not know who to favor.

Research manager of Turu-uuringute AS Karin Reivart, who conducted the survey, said: "Throughout January, the problem of high energy prices has been high in the media, which has also affected the Prime Minister's result in this survey."

She said the survey took place before the coalition reached an agreement on energy price compensation, between January 12-17.

In total, 873 people participated in the survey.


ERR News


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