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The Estonian American Fund Press Relase


Held July 26 - July 30  via Zoom, this year’s summer school drew record attendance.


Thirty-eight attendees — 50 percent more than the usual in-person attendance in Pärnu –  from universities in 25 countries  explored “ The Law of the Sea and Polar Regions,” “The Fundamentals of Investor-State Arbitration”, ”Landmarks in the recent case law of the European Court of Human Rights,” and ”The prohibition of torture in international human rights law.”

A distinguished faculty included Judge Julia Motoc of the European Court of Human Rights, professors Alex G. Oude Eiferink of Utrecht University (Holland); Mykola Gnatovsky, Taras Shevchenko National University (Ukraine); Martins Paparinskis, University College (London, UK) and  Alexander Lott, Tartu University School of Law, gave the Martins Annual Lecture.

The course director of the Martins School in International Law is professor Lauri Mälksoo, Tartu University School of International Law. Financial support was provided by the Estonian American Fund.

The ninth summer school attracted attendance from faraway countries like Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Uruguay, Vietnam.


Also represented were Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Spain,Turkey, Ukraine, USA.


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