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Opening of the Honorary Consul´s Office in Dallas: Kairi Künka, James R. Wikert, Kristjan Prikk. 


The Consulate General of Estonia in New York is pleased to announce that on September 9, we opened the first Estonian Honorary Consul’s Office in Dallas with a solemn ceremony, and on September 10, we reopened the Honorary Consul’s Office in Houston.

Estonia is represented in Dallas by Honorary Consul Mr. James R. Wikert and in Houston by Honorary Consul Dr. Eric Maidla, who serve the State of Texas, which is the consular district of the Consulate General of NYC.

Prior to the opening of the Dallas Honorary Consul´s Office, the Estonian delegation was invited to a flag presentation ceremony, which took place in the City Hall Flag Room.


As part of the tradition, the flags are presented on special occasions by visiting dignitaries or Honorary Consuls in recognition of their inaugurations.


The Estonian flag was received by the Mayor of Dallas, Mr. Eric Johnson.

The opening of the representations was attended by Mr. Kristjan Prikk, the Estonian Ambassador to the United States, Ms. Kairi Künka, Consul General in New York and Ms. Ann Hänni, Consul General in San Francisco.


In addition, Mr. James Samuel York, Enterprise Estonia’s export advisor, representatives of Estonian companies Cleveron and Harmet operating in the U.S. market, Mr. Jaak Treiman from Los Angeles and Mr. Aadu J. Allpere from Atlanta, representing the Honorary Consuls, assisted.


We would like to thank the Texas Honorary Consuls for their efforts in making the openings a success.

The Consulate General of Estonia in New York



Ambassador Kristjan Prikk with Honorary Consul Dr. Eric Maidla and Honorary Consul James R. Wikert.     Photos: The Consulate General of Estonia in New York


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