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At next month's local elections, 165,832 non-Estonians will be able to cast a ballot and over 25,000 of them are EU citizens. Additionally, 31 EU citizens are standing as candidates.

Data from the Ministry of the Interior shows 1,075,199 people are eligible to vote in the October elections.   

Of these, 909,367 are Estonian citizens and 165,832 are people who hold other citizenships.

The largest groups - 76,770 - are third-country nations, of which the largest group consists of Russian citizens, who number 70,514. Additionally, 25,665 EU citizens can participate.

There are also 63,397 voters with undetermined citizenship or so-called gray passports holders.

There are a total of 10,029 candidates in the upcoming local elections, 31 of whom are citizens of other European Union member states.

Nine EU citizens are running in the electoral alliance, seven in the Social Democratic Party, four for Isamaa, four for Eesti 200, three for EKRE, two for the Reform Party and two for the Greens.

Of the EU candidates, 12 are from Finland, six from Germany, four from Latvia, two from Sweden, two from Lithuania, two from the Netherlands and one each from Denmark, Belgium and Slovenia.

ERR News


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