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With October the much loved NYC architecture and design festival Archtober has arrived! We are very happy to announce that this year we are partnering with them and Louis Kahn Estonia Foundation for a full day of Louis Kahn 120 Celebration events on Saturday, October 16!


1. Conversation with Louis Kahn's student Charles Dagit starts the day at noon at ASF + Scandinavia House on Park Avenue.


2. We continue with the world premier of Maria Faust's MO(NU)MENT at 3PM in Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms State Park.


3. We gather for Kahn Club to take in Arne Maasik's photos, a short film, some cheer and mingle at New Yorgi Eesti Maja ­ the New York Estonian House.


Attendance requires regist-ration and is limited. Please find out more and RSVP here


The Consulate General of Estonia in New York


"Vaba Eesti Sõna" PDF-i täisversioon on tasuline. Kasutajakonto saamiseks tuleb täita tellimus. Maksmise ja tellimise info vaata sisukorrast Lehe tellimine. Tasuda saate krediitkaardiga PayPal'i kaudu siit.

Full PDF version of the paper costs $60 per year. To open your account, please click for more info Lehe tellimine. You can pay directly through PayPal. This is the safer, easier way to pay online.

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Toeta siin Vaba Eesti Sona!

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