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On October 26, Assistant Secretary Donfried met with Foreign Minister Eva-Maria Liimets and others from the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They discussed cooperation in NATO, the United Nations, and the OECD, and ways to promote our shared democratic values in the region.    Photo by U.S. Embassy Tallinn


U.S. State Department Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs, Dr. Karen Donfried, traveled to Sweden and Norway, Estonia, and Rome, Italy this week.

Assistant Secretary of State Dr. Karen Donfried is in Tallinn this week to highlight the strength of the U.S.-Estonian relationship and reaffirm the U.S. commitment to NATO at the Bucharest Nine summit.

Assistant Secretary Donfried traveled to Tallinn  to participate in the Bucharest 9 Foreign Ministerial meeting, and to meet with senior Estonian officials to discuss bilateral relations, regional security, and strengthening democratic values and institutions.

Assistant Secretary Donfried will then travel to Rome, Italy, on October 28, where she will support the U.S. delegation that will be participating in the G20 Leaders’ Summit.

VES/U.S.Embassy Tallinn


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