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Planned New U.S. Embassy in Tallinn Significantly Larger than Current Facility


The new U.S. embassy complex in Tallinn promises to be significantly larger than the current building on Kentmanni Street.


In addition to the nine-storey main building, the plan includes seven smaller buildings on the site behind the so-called "super-ministry".


Plans are at the proposal stage, having been sent by the foreign ministry to Tallinn City Government last week.


The development, encompassed by Suur-Ameerika, Väike-Ameerika and Toom-Kuninga Streets on land which has long been used as a sports fields, would have a total surface area of 5,550 sq. m., (8,000 sq. m. when underground facilities are factored in), compared with the Kentmanni street property's 1,200-sq. m. area.


Some locals are concerned about possible street closures and lack of green space and hope for cooperative solutions concerning the proposed development.



Estonia to Support International Organizations With Million Euros

In 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will allocate EUR 986 260 to support the activities of international organizations for the protection of human rights, development cooperation and humanitarian aid.


The pledges are based on Estonia's key foreign policy objectives and support the achievement of the UN's sustainable development goals.



The Institute of the Estonian Language is Looking for Comma Stories

The Institute of the Estonian Language is calling on people to share stories of their experiences with commas in Estonian.


The institute is urging people to think about how the punctuation mark affects them, what kind of emotions and thoughts it evokes, and to record memories from school, studies, or teaching. You are invited to share your most complicated or fun sentence or a comma joke.


Tales are awaited until January 5, 2022 at 5 pm local Estonian time at


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