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The Sarasota Orchestra named Estonian conductor Anu Tali as its new music director. The 40-year-old Estonian is being signed to a three-year contract that will officially begin on 1 August. Tali, who led the orchestra in two concerts -- once this past season and the first two years ago, both to critical and audience raves -- made her United States conducting debut in 2005 with the New Jersey Symphony, the news website said.

"A warmhearted trust and musical connection seemed to have existed between us since our first meeting," Tali said of the Sarasota Orchestra. "It has been magical for me to share the stage with the Sarasota Orchestra. May the journey begin."
The appointment of the music director of the Sarasota Orchestra comes after an 18-month search.
"The search committee, which was made up of four musicians from the Orchestra and two each of board members, staff and community representatives, this morning made a unanimous recommendation of Tali to the board," the report said.
Tali, who will be the fifth music director in the Sarasota Orchestra's 65 year history, opens the 2013-2014 season with Masterworks concerts from 8-10 November, as well as Masterworks performances from 20-23 February. Carlos Prieto, who was originally scheduled in February, will be a guest conductor in a future season.
EWR Online


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