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4 January (BNS) - Estonia's Eesti Energia power utility has exported electricity to both Finland and Lithuania in the first days of the new year.
Eesti Energia CFO Margus Kaasik told BNS that a contract had been signed with Lithuania for a concrete amount. In addition to Lithuania, Eesti Energia is currently also selling electricity on the Nordpool electricity exchange in Finland, but amounts depend on the market price of the concrete hour.
"In some hours we sell more to Finland than to Lithuania and in another hour less," Kaasik said.
In connection with the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant, Eesti Energia wants to increase export and win 10-15% of the Lithuanian energy market.
Eesti Energia board chairman Sandor Liive has said that Eesti Energia is hoping to sell electricity for one billion kroons (EUR 64 mln) to Lithuania during the year.


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