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Eesti Ameerika  arhitekti, Kuressaares sündinud Louis Kahn’i loodud Salk’i Insituudi teadushoone La Jolla’s, Californias, jõudis The New York Times’i nimekirja "The 25 Most Significant Works of Post-war Architecture" !

"From the early 1950s until his death in 1974, the Estonian American Louis Kahn developed a mystic architectural language all his own, using runic geometries and ritualistic chiaroscuro to turn galleries, university campuses and government offices into spaces of sublime meditation.


No building on American soil comes closer to that transcendent power than his Salk Institute, a biological research facility in La Jolla, Calif., commissioned in 1960 by the inventor of the polio vaccine, Jonas Salk"

Save the date Oct 16th for #LouisKahn120 celebrations in NYC! Details forthcoming.


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