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West Coast Estonian Days (LEP) 2022 Sauna Fundraiser
WHAT: West Coast Estonian Days 2022 (Lääneranniku Eesti Päevad or LEP 2022) will be having an online fundraiser in October 2021 to support our programming needs and we are excited to auction off tickets to sauna peod (parties) in communities throughout Canada and the U.S.
The 2022 organizing committee invites those with a sauna at their home or cottage to host a saunapidu in their community.
Ticket purchases for each saunapidu will support the West Coast Estonian Days 2022 program.
How it works: Estonians love saunas. Many Estonians have saunas at their home and share this social affair with friends, family, and neighbors.
We are enlisting people in their community to host a saunapidu at their home for a small group of individuals depending on the host’s comfort level.
It could be anywhere from 5-10 people.
Each person would purchase a ticket for $60 for a saunapidu and receive a commemorative and beautiful LEP2022 sauna towel.
The host would offer refreshing beverages and snacks as is traditional for their guests.
The host will also need to send out invitations to prospective guests with a link to purchase the ticket.
For example, Paul Attemann in Rhode Island offers to host a LEP 2022 fundraiser saunapidu on January 21, 2022 for a total of 8 people.
LEP 2022 committee will add this event to our online fundraiser and drive people to buy a ticket for $60.
Paul will also send out an email invite to prospective sauna goers in his Estonian community, friends, and family.
They in turn buy a ticket directly on the LEP 2022 online fundraiser web page.
LEP 2022 committee will mail the towels to the host for distribution at the saunapidu.
Paul will email each guest with specific details well in advance of the date, prepare for the saunapidu as the date approaches, and then Paul and his guests enjoy a wonderful evening of sauna-ing.
WHEN: By October 1, 2021, the host will select a date for the saunapidu anytime between January and April 2022.
This date will be included in the online auction details. Dates may be subject to change.
Interested hosts should contact Rein Attemann directly at
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or 206-334-6472 by October 1st.
- Details
- Published: September 06 2021
"Vaba Eesti Sõna" PDF-i täisversioon on tasuline. Kasutajakonto saamiseks tuleb täita tellimus. Maksmise ja tellimise info vaata sisukorrast Lehe tellimine. Tasuda saate krediitkaardiga PayPal'i kaudu siit.
Full PDF version of the paper costs $60 per year. To open your account, please click for more info Lehe tellimine. You can pay directly through PayPal. This is the safer, easier way to pay online.
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