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Celebration of the Restoration of Baltic Independence at the Estonian Grounds in Andover, Connecticut
Professor Bradley Woodworth, Ph.D., Coordinator of Baltic Studies, Yale University, who was our keynote speaker, along with Angelika Kingo and Melinda Siismets. Photos by Ingi Triantafylidis
The Connecticut Estonian Society sponsored a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the restoration of independence and freedom for the Baltic States.
On August 21st, at the Estonian Land, 25 Times Farms Road, Andover, CT 06232. The Connecticut Estonian Society sponsored a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the restoration of independence and freedom for the Baltic States.
August 1991 marks the time that the world recognized the Baltic countries as free, independent and sovereign nations.
We also celebrated the anniversary of the Baltic Way demonstration by singing the Baltic Way Anthem - Wake Up Baltic States, in all three languages.
There was a dinner featuring roast pork, sides of sauerkraut, salads, and various other Baltic ethnic foods, plus dessert.
Sadly, the weather forecast predicting a direct hit onto Connecticut by the hurricane and the scary weather predictions led some people to change their plans by deciding not to attend.
Despite all this, and demonstrating the unconquerable spirit and will of Baltic people again, over 70 people attended, and it was a genuinely fantastic time enjoyed by all.
The formal program was very well-received.
The games, music, dancing, and the spontaneous singing that ended the evening around the campfire, to the accompaniment of a guitar brought joy to so many, lasting deep into the night.
Some hearty souls even tented overnight and were able to leave before the gentle rain began falling on Sunday.
I thank everyone who pitched in and helped make this important event such a success.
Jaak Rakfeldt,
Head of the Estonian Society of Connecticut
Diina Tamm performing an awesome fire dance. She also led people in many Estonian folk dances, bringing joy to the hearts of all.
Valev Laube and Charlie Rauh performing Estonian folk tunes for the listening pleasure of everyone.
- Details
- Published: September 18 2021
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