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Paavo Järvi Wins Gramophone Magazine Award

Estonian conductor Paavo Järvi has won Gramophone magazine's Classical Music Awards 2021's Orchestral award for conducting Franz Schmidt's symphonies with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra.


Järvi recorded Franz Schmidt's Symphonies numbers 1-4 and released them last year with Deutsche Grammophon.


September 22 is Resistance Fighting Day

On September 22, 1944, Estonia began its resistance to occupation by the Red Army and struggled to remain free and democratic.


To this end, the government of the republic, headed by Otto Tief, took office on September 18.


The government declared Estonia neutral in World War II, but the Red Army ignored this and Estonia was occupied again.


However, Estonia never surrendered; resistance to Soviet occupation lasted in various forms both on the territory of Estonia and in the West until the restoration of independence in 1991.


Estonian embassies in the West and Estonians who became refugees played an important role in this.


Resistance Fighting Day, Vastupanuvõitluse päev, is also known as Otto Tief Government Day.



National Library Renovations Could Go €10 Million Over Budget

The renovation of Estonia's National Library in Tallinn may cost €10 million more than first estimated due to rising construction costs.


Plans for how to move forward are being discussed.


The cost of the renovation initially totaled €65 million and, of that, €53 million was earmarked for construction work, but prices for construction materials have risen by approximately a third over the last year.


According to the current plan, the renovation of the National Library building should last from 2022 to 2027.


During this time, the library and National Archives will move into the former Danske Bank building on Narva maantee.


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