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The Consulate General of Estonia in New York will conduct a consular visit to Chicago on November 19-20, 2021.

Estonian citizens will be able to apply for a passport or ID-Card (both first time applications and renewal applications are accepted) and receive previously ordered documents.


Information regarding application procedures (application forms, photo, state fee etc.) can be found at


The Consul will conduct business on November 19 at the Honorary Consul’s office (678 Foxdale Avenue, Winnetka, IL 60093-1950) and on November 20 at the Chicago Estonian House (14700 Estonian Ln., Riverwoods, IL 60015-3553).

Please pre-register for an appointment by e-mailing the Honorary Consul Mr. Siim Sööt at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , applicants can also consult with the Honorary Consul via phone: +1 (847) 372-7560.


"Vaba Eesti Sõna" PDF-i täisversioon on tasuline. Kasutajakonto saamiseks tuleb täita tellimus. Maksmise ja tellimise info vaata sisukorrast Lehe tellimine. Tasuda saate krediitkaardiga PayPal'i kaudu siit.

Full PDF version of the paper costs $60 per year. To open your account, please click for more info Lehe tellimine. You can pay directly through PayPal. This is the safer, easier way to pay online.

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