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NY Baltic Film Festival Opens With an Estonian Movie
We’re super excited to announce the New York Baltic Film Festival 2021 Opening Night Film: “Good-bye Soviet Union” (“Hüvasti, NSVL”, dir. Lauri Randla, Estonia-Finland, 2020), an East Coast premiere!
“Goodbye Soviet Union” follows the life and misadventures of Johannes and his eccentric Ingrian-Finnish family in the waning days of the Estonian Soviet Republic – from their idyllic hometown with a top-secret uranium factory, to the capital city of Tallinn pulsating with the spirit of independence.
Lauri Randla’s playful, nostalgic, and thought-provoking debut feature won the Audience Award at the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival.
- The full festival lineup will be announced in the last week of September.
- Passes & tickets go on sale on October 1st.
- In-person screenings in NYC: Nov. 3-7 at the Scandinavia House.
- Virtually across U.S.: November 5-14 via streaming.
- Details
- Published: October 03 2021
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