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News from Estonia
Lake Võrtsjärv fishermen will likely have to stop eel fishing
The historic abundance of eels in Europe has dec-reased by more than 90 percent and different measures are implemented to protect the endangered fish with no clear solution in sight.
Lake Võrtsjärve fishermen will likely have to find a new source of income in the next decade.
Eel fishing could be subject to a complete ban in Europe soon, daily Sakala newspaper reported on October 6.
Last year, 1.5 tons of eel were caught from the sea in Estonia and 35 tons were caught in Lake Võrtsjärv.
Fishermen buy eel larvae from France, from existing eel farms as there just is no larvae left in Võrtsjärv.
Ministry of Rural Affairs fishery department manager Ain Soome said bringing eels to Lake Võrtsjärv will not help restore the species.
"Eel fishing at Lake Võrtsjärv will continue on the stock that has been placed there. As a result of populating in earlier years, there is some 7-12 years of stock there. If there is no fishing ban imposed on the EU level, it is reasonable to continue fishing," Soome noted
Statistics: September inflation highest monthly rate for 13 years
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) reached a 13-year high in September, predominantly driven by soaring electricity prices, data from state agency Statistics Estonia shows.
Electricity prices have risen by over three-quarters bet-ween September 2020 and last month, and by over a quarter between August and September alone, while gas price rises have also been a major factor.
September's rate, of 6.6 percent on year to September 2021, is the highest since December 2008, when the year-on-year (y-o-y) CPI stood at 7.0 percent, Statistics Estonia says.
- Details
- Published: October 09 2021
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