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Salisbury Welcomed Ambassador Prikk at the Ribbon Cutting of a New Pedestrian Bridge
Ambassador Kristjan Prikk (in the center holding scissors) at the ribbon cuttting ceremony.
Last Friday, the Salisbury community in Maryland gathered to welcome a group of very special guests to the city as we cut a ribbon on the new pedestrian bridge in Downtown Salisbury!
The bridge has been named the “Friendship Bridge” as a symbol of the strong connection and long friendship between Salisbury and the city of Tartu.
We welcomed Ambassador Kristjan Prikk, who has served as Estonia's ambassador to the United States at the Estonian Embassy in Washington since May, in his third diplomatic posting in DC over the years.
We were also joined by Maryland's Secretary of State John C. Wobensmith, Senator Ben Cardin and Senator Van Hollen, who so graciously took time out of their busy schedules to be with us on such a momentous day.
Members of the National Guard who have worked with Estonia through the Department of Defense's Safe Partnership Program also joined City, State, and Estonian representatives at the ribbon cutting.
To our Estonian friends in Tartu and Mayor Klaas, may this bridge be representative of our long and enduring friendship as Sister Cities, and the many years of friendship to come.
VES / City of Salisbury, Maryland, Facebook page
- Details
- Published: October 09 2021
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