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Estonian Ain Anger Received a Glowing Review on Operawire
"Ain Anger was making his Met debut as Pimen and from the moment he stepped on stage, he was a strong presence.
His Pimen was measured in his body language, yet he was able to portray the torment in his character with subtlety.
As he began telling the story of Russia, Anger sang with a clarion tone full of smooth legato lines and gorgeous dynamic contrasts.
His pianos were full of warmth while his fortes were formidable.
As he became increasingly agitated in the recounting of Boris’ treasonous actions, his voice took on a breathier tone but it never lost the elegance or smoothness.
During these moments Anger showed an intensity in his voice that filled the house with a thunderous sound."
Perfomances "Boris Godunov" until October 17th at the Metropolitan Opera.
Francisco Salazar for
- Details
- Published: October 09 2021
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