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L-R: Carl Skonberg, Erik Gubler, Ed Tomson, Tarmo Pallop, Eric Pallop, Andrus Ers, Urmas Kärner, Dan Sestrich, Martin Vahtra, Toomas Kilm.   Photo by Andrus Ers.


The Estonian Amateur Athletic Association (Eesti Spordiliit USAs) conducted its annual fall golf gathering at Rob Ashford's Shepherd Hills golf course on Oct 9th.

10 players turned out to enjoy perfect golf weather for a 2-man team format event.



Pallop brothers, Eric and Tarmo – 1st place.   Photo by Andrus Ers


The team scores were very close with brothers Pallop (Eric & Tarmo) taking home this year's travelling trophy with a score of 70.

The tournament's organizer Tarmo Pallop also provided   prizes at the 19th hole for 3 individual contests – front nine closest to pin, Urmas Kärner, back nine closest to pin Toomas Kilm and longest drive – Andrus Ers.

A great turnout and a great time was had by all – Elagu Eesti golf!

Andrus Ers


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