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Interest in Enefit Green Shares Crashes Nasdaq Website

On October 21, trading in shares of Enefit Green, the renewable subsidiary of state-owned energy group Eesti Energia, was initiated on the Tallinn stock exchange. Large public interest in the shares crashed the Nasdaq Baltic website.



Kate Bosworth Starring in Tanel Toom's Next Film "Sentinel"

Oscar-nominated Estonian filmmaker Tanel Toom's next film "Sentinel" has finished shooting in Tallinn. Toom most recently directed the epic "Tõde ja õigus", ("Truth and Justice").


His new film was initially called "Gateway 6" and due to changes in the shooting period, the main cast also saw some changes, with U.S. actress Kate Bosworth and Northern Irish actor Martin McCann stepping up to play the main roles.  "Sentinel" will be out in cinemas in 2023.



Estonian 3D-Printed Electrical Machines Setting Sights on Aviation and Space

For four years now, researchers at the Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) have been looking for ways to further develop the 3D printing of electrical machines for industry, which is currently expensive and in its early stages.


Unlike series production, a 3D printer saves material and allows for the manufacture of various shaped solutions, used for example in aircraft and aerospace technology.



State Helping Pay Electricity and Heating for Disadvantaged Families

In light of the sharp rise in the cost of electricity in Estonia, the government has approved supporting low-income families.


Through local governments, families will initially be reimbursed 80% of the increased cost of electricity, gas and heating from September to March.


In addition, all consumers will be reimbursed 50% of the network fee.


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