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What a beautiful night at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York with music of Arvo Pärt!


Every seat was filled and one could sense the silences between the notes.

The Temple of Dendur was the setting for the haunting world premiere of O Holy Father Nicholas, commissioned by Nektarios S. Antoniou for the Schola Cantorum, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Created by the revered Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, it celebrates the rededication of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church and the National Shrine at Ground Zero.


Masterpieces from the composer’s seven-decade career were performed by the Artefact Ensemble, under the direction of Grammy-nominated choral conductor Benedict Sheehan.


Arvo Pärdi Keskus /
Arvo Pärt Centre
Photo by Estonian Consulate General in NY


The article in Estonian you can find here.


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