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Baltic Unity Day Celebrated in Lakewood

On Sunday, November 7, Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians gathered at the Lakewood Estonian House in New Jersey for the annual Baltic Unity Day.



Government to Increase Support of Foreign Estonian Initiatives

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs in co-operation with the Integration Foundation is calling for proposals to support projects initiated by members of Estonian foreign communities that will strengthen the ties of Estonians abroad with Estonia, contribute to preserving the Estonian identity of global Estonians and raise awareness of diaspora activities.


Applications can be submitted until November 30. (



Estonian Institute to Continue Publishing "Estonian Literary Magazine"

The Ministry of Culture signed a five-year agreement with the Estonian Institute to continue publishing information about Estonian literature in English.


The first updated issue of ELM, which has been published biannually since 1995, will be out in 2022.



Tallinn Designated UNESCO City of Music

On 8 November, Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, announced 49 new cities designated as members of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network including Tallinn, which will be a UNESCO City of Music as of 2022.


Among Estonia's neighbors, Lithuanian capital Vilnius was named a City of Literature.



Southern Estonia Promises Skiing This Weekend

The first snow fell in Southern Estonia on November 8 and the Haanja Recreation and Sports Centre opened its first trail, which locals – especially the children – immediately started taking advantage of.


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