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Kontaveit Starts WTA Finals With Victory
Anett Kontaveit has become the first Estonian to participate in the WTA (Women's Tennis Association) finals and began with a win.
Kontaveit defeated Czech player Barbora Krejcikova in the opening match of the WTA Finals in Guadalajara, Mexico.
She has won 27 of her last 29 matches and is on an 11-match winning streak.
Kontaveit's next match is against Spanish player Garbine Muguruza, currently ranked fifth in the world.
The match will take place on November 12.
Kontaveit is currently ranked eighth in the world, becoming the first Estonian to be ranked in the WTA top 10.
Annett has also been involved with the Estonian diaspora, being a Campaign Ambassador for KESKUS, the new International Estonian Centre to be built in Toronto, Canada.
ERR News
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- Published: November 13 2021
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