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Government Calls 1,684 Reservists to Training Exercise “Okas 2021”
The Estonian government has called up 1,684 reservists to a week-long training exercise entitled "Okas 2021". It will include the construction of a "temporary border fence".
On the proposal of the Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces Martin Herem, 1636 reservists from mainly engineer units are being called to participate in a readiness exercise during November 17-25.
Reservists whose units are involved in the exercise are required to immediately come to a meeting point outlined in the call-up.
The aim of Okas (which means "evergreen needle") is to check combat readiness in relation to the national defense chain of command, from the decisionmaking of the government to the gathering of reservists in the rapid reaction structure.
Co-operation with the Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) will be practiced.
Additionally, the reserve engineers will also construct temporary border fences in the border areas that have previously been used by organized crime to facilitate illegal migration.
- Details
- Published: November 21 2021
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