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President Karis Met With the UN Secretary-General

President Alar Karis met with Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres to discuss the Secretary-General’s report “Our Common Agenda” dedicated to the implementation of UN goals, climate change and the Estonian initiative called Data for the Environment Alliance (DEAL).


The Head of State also invited Secretary-General Guterres to Estonia next year.


“I am pleased that the Secretary-General has focused on human rights, gender equality, youth, climate and digital cooperation in setting future goals.


This will allow the United Nations to react more effectively to global challenges and implement sustainable development objectives,” the Head of State said.



President Karis' Telephone Conversation with President Biden

"Estonia's position is clear – European, including Estonia's security issues, will be discussed by NATO together with its Allies.


This was confirmed at the recently concluded meeting," President Alar Karis said on December 9 following a call by U.S. President Joe Biden to NATO's Eastern European heads of state.



Conductor Risto Joost Won Ernesaks Foundation Scholarship

On December 12, the 113th birthday of Gustav Ernesaks, the scholarships of the Gustav Ernesaks Foundation were presented at the Tallinn Song Festival Grounds as the highest recognition of Estonian choral music.


The main scholarship was awarded to internationally renowned conductor Risto Joost.



Major Pulp Mill Halts Production Due to Record Electricity Price

One of Estonia's most energy-intensive producers, Kunda-based aspen pulp mill AS Estonian Cell temporarily halted production last week due to soaring energy prices and is expecting the government to offer rapid solutions for restoring the competitive ability of Estonian companies.


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