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Kristiina Ehin and Silver Sepp photo US CanadaKristiina Ehin and her husband musician Silver Sepp will be travelling to the US and Canada for four weeks in September and October to present their work. Public appearances have so far been planned at:

- Toronto Tartu College, seminar and reading/concert, September 20
- Grolier Poetry Bookshop, Cambridge, Mass., Friday, September 27, 7 pm
- Congregation Darech Amuno, NY, Sunday, September 29, 12 midday
- Long Island University Poetry Center, Tuesday, October 1, 12.20 pm
- Baruch College, NY, Thursday, October 3, 7 pm

- New York Estonian House, Friday, October 4, 7 pm
- William Paterson University, Wayne, NJ, Tuesday, October 8, 12.30 pm
- Delegation of the European Union to the United States, "Conversations in Culture" series, Washington DC, Tuesday October 15, 6 pm
- New York Public Library, Berger Forum, Wednesday, October 16, 6 pm
- Montclair University, Montclair, NJ  (televised)

Other venues will be added. Details about dates and times will be posted as they become available:
Kristiina Ehin’s official website:


"Vaba Eesti Sõna" PDF-i täisversioon on tasuline. Kasutajakonto saamiseks tuleb täita tellimus. Maksmise ja tellimise info vaata sisukorrast Lehe tellimine. Tasuda saate krediitkaardiga PayPal'i kaudu siit.

Full PDF version of the paper costs $60 per year. To open your account, please click for more info Lehe tellimine. You can pay directly through PayPal. This is the safer, easier way to pay online.

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