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Pillerkaar Performed At The Global Language Network Festival
Pillerkaar dancers – Sirli Hill, Age Landre-Robinson, Laila Oinas. Photos by Anu Oinas
Pillerkaar, Estonian Folk Dancers of the Washington DC Metro Area, performed at the Washington, DC Global Language Network (GLN) Festival (G-Fest) on September 28, 2013.
GLN's mission is to provide opportunities to learn any language at a minimal cost and is taught by native speakers who volunteer their time to teach their language and share their culture with the DC community. G-Fest is GLN's way to promote diversity and educate participants about world languages and cultures. Embassies and cultural organizations as well as performance groups act as cultural ambassadors for G-Fest visitors, representing their countries’ cultures and traditions through cultural booths, performances, food samples, and games. Pillerkaar represented Estonia with a dance performance, a booth, and cultural display of traditional foods and crafts.
Pillerkaar danced Vigala reinlender, Tule aga tule, Külavalss, Oige ja vasemba, Kosjalugu, Kanga kudumine, and Vanaema venna polka. The dancers were: Age Landre-Robinson, Andrus Kiik, Jeff Zelek, Jyri Erik Kork, Laila Oinas, Mauno Kork, Miia Kreek, Sirli Hill, Tiina Kreek, Priit Vesilind. They were led by instructor/choreographer Anu Oinas. The Estonian food and crafts table was staffed and set up by Kelli Sekk-Hodson and Anu Grabbi. Photographer and videotape technician was Dana Hodson.
Anu Oinas
Anu and Laila Oinas
- Details
- Published: October 24 2013
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