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Isadepäev uues kodus, Isamaal
My family and I recently moved from Trumbull, Connecticut to Tallinn -- the city where my dad was born and grew up.
Tallinn is Estonia´s capital city. It has been very exciting to explore Estonia and all of its treasures.
I am so grateful that minu isa has been taking us to see so many amazing sites here in Estonia, meie Isamaa.
We've been to the Tallinn Old Town of course, but also Lake Peipsi, the Suur Munamägi, and the quaint island of Hiiumaa.
But my favorite spot in Estonia is Pärnu because it has the coolest waterpark ever!
Going to school in Estonia is a little different from what I am used to.
I have to take classes like Information Technology, Ethics, and two foreign languages.
Many classmates are from all over the world, including South Africa, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Finland, Sweden and Russia.
The lunches at my school are also quite different from school lunches in America.
Here they don't serve any fast food and instead make us eat things like beet salad.
I guess that's a good thing.
But I really enjoy having a lot of independence because I can ride my bike or take the bus by myself anywhere I want.
Sometimes after school I go to the local store and buy myself candy.
It costs less than one Euro!
Head isadepäeva, Issi!
Oliver Lamvol
- Details
- Published: November 28 2021
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