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Writer Elin Toona Receives Visnapuu Award in Tallinn

On January 22, writer Elin Toona was presented with the Henrik Visnapuu award for her lifetime literary achievements at a ceremony at the Kirjanike maja (Writers House) in Tallinn.


The event was organized by the Estonian American National Council, Inc and the Estonian Writers Union, who along with the Luunja parish municipal government have re-established the tradition of presenting the award.

digital nation


Estonian Ambassador to the United States Kristjan Prikk was the featured speaker for the January 5 dinner event held by the International Club of Annapolis, Maryland.

The club holds monthly dinners with speakers from September through June. Since its founding in 1962, it has hosted presentations by ambassadors from over 115 countries and regions throughout the globe, including five ambassadors from Estonia to the U.S. since 1990, highlighting the special relationship between Estonia and Maryland as National Guard State Partnership Program partners and the sister city relationships between several cities throughout Maryland and Estonia.

Government Reaches Agreement on Energy Compensation Measures

On January 20 the Reform Party and the Center Party finally agreed on compensation measures for high energy prices.


The government is planning to compensate electricity prices exceeding €0.12 per kilowatt-hour.

LEP2022 Registration Information

In order to simplify LEP ticketing, we are offering two tickets: a LEP “Base Ticket”, which is all inclusive of LEP activities, with the exception of the Gala, and a Gala Ticket.

The LEP “Base Ticket” includes:

In the week leading up to the discussions taking place in Europe January 10-13 regarding Ukraine’s security and Western relations with Russia, Baltic Americans and the broader diaspora communities from central and eastern Europe have issued statements, letters, and calls to action to let U.S. policymakers know our concerns. The Estonian American National Council has been actively supporting and promoting these efforts.

Estonian American voters still have the opportunity to participate in the American Latvian Association’s latest call to action to contact the White House and Members of Congress (MoCs).


The initiative calls out Russian President Putin’s revanchist agenda to restore the Cold War “spheres of influence” through its threats to Ukraine. It also encourages support for appropriations for robust security assistance for Ukraine and the Baltic countries, which has already been authorized in the Defense budget, and for existing legislation that protects European energy security.

Dear Mr. President:

With anticipation and trepidation, the Baltic-American community is looking ahead to next week’s talks between the United States and the Russian Federation on the situation related to Moscow’s aggression against Ukraine.


We value your administration’s consistent and ongoing resistance to the Kremlin’s aggression in the region and support for our allies and partners.

Independence Day Reception Canceled for Second Consecutive Year

The president's Independence Day reception will be canceled once again due to the continued spread of the coronavirus.


Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR) will broadcast the Independence Day concert and President Alar Karis' speech to the public from the Estonia Theater live on February 24.


The president's reception was also canceled last year.


San Francisco Estonian Community Choir, courtesy of Lisa Trei


After a year's hiatus, organizers of the San Francisco Baltic Christmas Fair were very happy to open the doors of the Latvian Hall to vendors and visitors once again this past December 4th.


Over a dozen sellers, some from as far away as Los Angeles, offered tasty Baltic Christmas foods, local handcrafted gifts, and Baltic imports to several hundred holiday shoppers.


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