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Markus Villig, Co-Founder and CEO of Bolt


The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) held its annual policy forum virtually from September 28th to 30th. 


Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas, former President Toomas Hendrik Ilves, and Markus Villig, co-founder and CEO of Bolt, were among the experts consulted on this year’s focus of “Fit to Lead:  Renewing the Transatlantic Alliance in a Contested World.”

Prime Minister Kallas gave the opening keynote address on the forum’s third day. 

EANC Press Release USA - October 1, 2021

The Estonian American National Council is proud to announce the nominees for the first EANC Henrik Visnapuu Literature and Culture Award (in alphabetical order):

Sirje Okas Ainso: “The Story of BATUN 1966-1991. Baltic Appeal to the United Nations,” 2018, USA.

This work is a valuable historical resource documenting how Baltic youth in exile joined together to engage in the decades-long fight for freedom at the high-level international forum, with the goal of restoring national independence for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.


Korp! Vironia USA welcomes the Consulate of Estonia in San Francisco, Consul General Ann Hänni and Consul Kairi Pirik-Vatunen, along with Enterprise Estonia Investor Consultant in the USA Maris Prii and SF Estonian Society President Mai-Liis Bartling, to its 2021 family gathering (aiapidu) and Planning Meeting in Orinda, CA at the Otsmaa residence.  Discussions were also held on how to better serve the Estonian Community on the West Coast through cooperative efforts post-Covid.



Photo by Mariann Liimal


US writer Todd Pitock has just won a very prestigious journalism award – a gold Lowell Thomas Award in the foreign travel category –  for his story about Estonia as the land of saunas and startups, the Facebook group "Estonian Saunas" writes.

We've met a lot of journalists in the sauna over the years to chat about Estonia and its sauna tradition – but you never quite know what, if any, story is going to emerge from it.


Todd was an absolute delight to host.

Alar Karis Sworn in as President of Estonia

Alar Karis (63) was sworn is as Estonia's sixth president on Monday, October 11.


Karis took the oath of office before the Riigikogu, after which outgoing president Kersti Kaljulaid presented him with the president's chain of office.



On September 18th, the Connecticut Estonian Society (CES) held its traditional summer picnic (Suvepäev) at the CES grounds in Andover, CT.


The weather was gorgeous, and the event was enjoyed by around forty people with volleyball, games for kids, and a grilled picnic lunch with sides of various salads.


Ambassador Kristjan Prikk (in the center holding scissors) at the ribbon cuttting ceremony.


Last Friday, the Salisbury community in Maryland gathered to welcome a group of very special guests to the city as we cut a ribbon on the new pedestrian bridge in Downtown Salisbury!


The bridge has been named the “Friendship Bridge” as a symbol of the strong connection and long friendship between Salisbury and the city of Tartu.

We welcomed Ambassador Kristjan Prikk, who has served as Estonia's ambassador to the United States at the Estonian Embassy in Washington since May, in his third diplomatic posting in DC over the years.

"Ain Anger was making his Met debut as Pimen and from the moment he stepped on stage, he was a strong presence.


His Pimen was measured in his body language, yet he was able to portray the torment in his character with subtlety.


As he began telling the story of Russia, Anger sang with a clarion tone full of smooth legato lines and gorgeous dynamic contrasts.


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