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The Consulate General of Estonia in New York will conduct a consular visit to Chicago on November 19-20, 2021.

Estonian citizens will be able to apply for a passport or ID-Card (both first time applications and renewal applications are accepted) and receive previously ordered documents.


Information regarding application procedures (application forms, photo, state fee etc.) can be found at

As the budget process continues in Congress, the Estonian American National Council (EANC) is tracking the status of funding related to Estonian and Baltic security and calls on Estonian Americans to contact Members of Congress to show support for the funding. 


Our main item of interest for fiscal year 2022 is the Baltic Security Initiative (BSI).

BSI is a new authorization introduced in August by House Baltic Caucus co-chairs Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) and Representative Don Bacon (R-NE). 

In the second quarter of 2021, the Dwelling Price Index increased by 16.1 percent compared to the same quarter of 2020 and by 2.6 percent compared to the first quarter of this year, data from Statistics Estonia shows.

Egne Säinast, analyst at Statistics Estonia, said compared to the second quarter of 2020, the prices of apartments rose by 14.1 percent and the prices of houses by 21.6 percent.

"The big year-on-year growth is due to the low reference base at the beginning of the corona crisis," said Säinast.

At next month's local elections, 165,832 non-Estonians will be able to cast a ballot and over 25,000 of them are EU citizens. Additionally, 31 EU citizens are standing as candidates.

Data from the Ministry of the Interior shows 1,075,199 people are eligible to vote in the October elections.   

Of these, 909,367 are Estonian citizens and 165,832 are people who hold other citizenships.

Paavo Järvi Wins Gramophone Magazine Award

Estonian conductor Paavo Järvi has won Gramophone magazine's Classical Music Awards 2021's Orchestral award for conducting Franz Schmidt's symphonies with the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra.


Professor Bradley Woodworth, Ph.D., Coordinator of Baltic Studies, Yale University, who was our keynote speaker, along with Angelika Kingo and Melinda Siismets.      Photos by Ingi Triantafylidis


The Connecticut Estonian Society sponsored a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the restoration of independence and freedom for the Baltic States.

On August 21st, at the Estonian Land, 25 Times Farms Road, Andover, CT 06232. The Connecticut Estonian Society sponsored a celebration of the 30th anniversary of the restoration of independence and freedom for the Baltic States.



Press release, , September 10, 2021

- The Estonian American National Council (EANC) will host ESTO-RAISER, a 10-day virtual auction for the benefit of Estonian houses* and Estonian community-held facilities in the United States.

The event will run from Thursday, September 16 to Sunday, September 26, 2021, and includes a virtual cultural gathering on Saturday, September 25, featuring performances and presentations from known and upcoming artists, experts and guests.


Opening of the Honorary Consul´s Office in Dallas: Kairi Künka, James R. Wikert, Kristjan Prikk. 


The Consulate General of Estonia in New York is pleased to announce that on September 9, we opened the first Estonian Honorary Consul’s Office in Dallas with a solemn ceremony, and on September 10, we reopened the Honorary Consul’s Office in Houston.

Estonia is represented in Dallas by Honorary Consul Mr. James R. Wikert and in Houston by Honorary Consul Dr. Eric Maidla, who serve the State of Texas, which is the consular district of the Consulate General of NYC.


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